
課程 Activity / Course:

2025/05/25 AO-TAOi台灣植牙醫學會 聯合年會

飲食習慣 Food habit*

註:交通補助限有效會員,身份補助、協辦友會請附證明傳真或email至學會。 Only for TAOi membership.

註:證明請傳JPG、PNG圖片格式。 Only supports JPG, PNG.

注意事項 Notice:
  • 海外刷卡僅接受VISA、MasterCard 和 JCB
    Overseas card payments are only accepted with VISA, MasterCard, and JCB
  • 繳費金額如超過 49,999元或小於 11 元,將無法選擇網路 ATM 付款。
    The Web ATM payment will not be available when the transaction amount is less than NTD 11 or greater than NTD 49,999
  • 繳費金額若超過 199,999元或小於 5 元,將無法選擇信用卡付款。
    The credit card payment will not be available when the transaction amount is less than NTD 5 or greater than NTD 199,999